Each Door-Step

It's those treasured gifts, those adorn moments.  I wondered what my first blog post might be after two years. I picked up this book from a nearby table.  It was filled with dreamy luminescent images and exquisite poetry.  A gift from my friend Beate who lives in Germany.  A collection of Nell Dorr's photography and poems named Mother and Child.  From the author to the reader, the very first passage, "Language is a matter of symbols.  If one understands the symbols, he understands the language. The symbols may be written or spoken words; they may be musical sounds; or they may be pictures.  Pictures that are born in the mind of an artist are not easily translatable.  But pictures that are "camera born" (if they are taken true) are as universal a language there is."

So its with these thoughts in mind that I make my first post. Nell Dorr. 


Nel Dorr book.jpg
Nell Dorr.jpg

Laatikkomo Project: six degrees of photography

A true honor to be a part of the Laatikkomo Project in Jyväskylä, Finland. My exhibition will be the 17th of September to the 8th of October.

My interview

"Laatikkomo can be translated into English as “Box Gallery”, and as its name suggests, it is a large, outdoor, glassed-in, box-frame in Jyväskylä, Finland. The intention of this project/gallery is to present an accurate, worldwide cross section of photography today.

According to the theory of the Hungarian writer, Frigyes Karinthy, and proven by American psychologist, Stanley Milgram, we are able to know everyone in the world, through 6 people (six degrees of separation).

Laatikkomo is an artist run project/gallery. In 2013 we received some funding from the local art councils and foundations to start a 3- year project and we just received a new grant to extend the project another 2-3 years! The project began with six photographers from the six continents. We initially presented one image for 2 weeks but  for this second period we will show one image from each artist for three weeks and rotate between the links. We began with Europe 1 - Asia 2 - Australia 3- Africa 4 - South America 5 - North America 6and then repeat through that order with different artists from different places" --Laatikkomo

Thank you Sarah Lawrie for choosing me ♥

Laatikkomo has received support from the following Finnish sources:
The Arts Council of Central Finland
The National Council for Photographic Art
The Jyväskylä Arts and Science Foundation





not to say goodbye...

but to meet you on a hill...

“I almost wish we were butterflies and liv'd but three summer days - three such days with you I could fill with more delight than fifty common years could ever contain.”
  -- within John Keats letter to his Fanny Brawne.

In Loving Memory of April Cerise De Fore - Gaddis
April 20, 1979 - February 21, 2016
by Diane Powers.

Self portrait by April Cerise.

By April Cerise.

By April Cerise.

Rest in peace my Rose Sister you will always be with me. 

opening night!

The 11 year Anniversary Open Studios celebration

 at Santa Monica Art Studios tonight  6-9 pm 
and Sunday, October 18, 1-5 pm. 
"Thirty eight painters, print makers, photographers, sculptors and mixed media artists will open their studios for the event. Each artist will have a piece in a silent auction both on Saturday and Sunday."

In conjunction with the Open Studios, Arena 1 will open “The Cuban Show ""


It's an honor to be invited by Yossi Govrin to display several silver gelatin prints at the
 Santa Monica Art Studios in the historic airport hanger.  
I'm truly grateful and I invite all of you in the LA area to come and visit.  
I will be in one of the hanger galleries to exhibit from Sept. 12 to Oct. 3, 2015 in conjunction with the Kinetic Show: LA in the Arena I Gallery which looks to be very exciting with many sublime interactive installations.  
Opening reception is Saturday, Sept. 12, 7 to 10 pm.

Santa Monica Art Studios
3026 Airport Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Phone: 310.397.7449 Fax: 310.397.7459
Public Hours: Wednesday through Saturday 12 to 6


Gregg Chadwick

Yossi Govrin

thank you all for coming out!

RD Laing - revisited / admin invite / 18+ Group

The way we have grown to see 'things' beyond the norm, beneath the surface, the fabric or matrix of a 'so-called society'.

Psychology and visual concepts in the 21st century.
Our experience in an ever-increasing technological age of ourselves and others.

Featured Artist ~ Arber Sefa

Featured photographer, Arber Sefa uses a skilled technique and stunning visuals to portray a brutally honest world through portraiture.
Impeccably visualized with a strong sense of intellect and  heart.

I urge you to view more of his work here.

Many thanks,
