circle of women / fotopreformance

Collective Exhibition:
September 27, 2011 to October 31, 2011

"(Auto)Retratar, abrir, usar, abusar, mirar: dentro-fuera.
Penetrar, explotar, reflejar.
No dejar ir lo que está hacerlo fuerte, crear hacia los lados del reflejo que crea y recrea materia luz y sombra, visibilidad, visión, vista.
El ojo es un otro.
Comunica subjetividad en una otra retina y para adentro.

Yo es otro.
Soy más acá y allá."

este statement ha sido escrito con la colaboración de elisabeth gardner y paula castagnetti

A yearning for art and nostalgia.  The Spells and Wishing Wells look toward an intuition of oneself through the notion of fate and fable.  Perceptions of a mask of secret longings and delicate exploitations leads to the haunting questions of destiny and a time lost.
 -- Diane Powers

"We invite you to participate in open discussions that will take place in theatrical space within the Garnet women writers-directors cycle. These talks will be focused on the artistic and professional work of Gatto Agustina, Andrea Servera and Fabiana Barreda. The coordination of the table will be by Natalia Fernandez Acqui.
I ncluirá fotoperformance a collective exhibition in the Gallery , and its theater program works, " Paris in America "by Paula Herrera, Saturday at 20.30hs from 17 / 9 and" Brick "Camilla Fabbri, Saturdays 23hs from the 3 / 9"

granate galería