Bukowski Anthology

Thanks to Silver Birch Press Bukowski Anthology contributors Harry Calhoun (who suggested the idea) and S.A. Griffin (who found a way to make it happen), and Jessica Wilson (who is making it happen), the Silver Birch Press Bukowski Anthology launch party at Skylight Books in Los Angeles will be available for radio listeners at this link:
Tune in at 5 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 22 (Pacific Daylight Time) or tune in later and access the recording.
We are honored that the launch party at Skylight Books will feature readings from the collection by S.A. Griffin, Joan Jobe Smith, and Fred Voss.  For mini bios of our esteemed performers, visit Skylight Books.

WHAT: Silver Birch Press BUKOWSKI ANTHOLOGY launch party and readings from the collection
WHO: S.A. Griffin, Joan Jobe Smith, and Fred Voss
WHERE: Skylight Books, 1818 N. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA, 90027, 323-660-1175
WHEN: Sunday, September 22, 2013, 5 p.m.
If you live in the area, we hope to see you there! If you live outside the area, we hope you’ll tune in.
Cover art by Mark Erickson and Katy Zartl


by Michelle Brea

"I was sentimental about many things: a woman’s shoes under the bed; one hairpin left behind on the dresser; the way they said, “I’m going to pee..”’ hair ribbons; walking down the boulevard with them at 1:30 in the afternoon, just two people walking together; the long nights of drinking and smoking; talking; the arguments; thinking of suicide; eating together and feeling good; the jokes; the laughter out of nowhere; feeling miracles in the air; being in a parked car together; comparing past loves at 3am; being told you snore; hearing her snore; mothers, daughters, sons, cats, dogs; sometimes death and sometimes divorce; but always carring on, always seeing it through; reading a newspaper alone in a sandwich joint and feeling nausea because she’s now married to a dentist with an I.Q. of 95; racetracks, parks, park picnics; even jails; her dull friends; your dull friends; your drinking, her dancing; your flirting, her flirting; her pills, your fucking on the side and her doing the same; sleeping together"
— Charles Bukowski (Women)

via Michelle Brea on Flickr